Gerry Rothwell

Lic. T.C.M. M.T.C.M.C.I.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Acupuncture

• Acupuncture originated in China more than 3000 years ago is used to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve well being.

• It involves the insertion of extremely fine pre-sterilised needles at predetermined points on the body’s surface to restore health on a physical, psychological and emotional level.

• Acupuncture can be used alone or combined with other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

•     In TCM the human body is seen as an energy system. The Chinese call this vital system Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) The Qi flows along specific pathways (Meridians) in the body.

•     The severity of the illness and the location of the illness will depend on where and how the flow of Qi has been affected. Acupuncture can directly balance the flow of Qi in order to restore health.

•    The World Health Organisation recognises Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a viable means of treatment for a wide range of conditions.

Some commonly seen conditions

Neurological Conditions

Cardiovascular Conditions

Respiratory Conditions

Digestive System Disorders

Uro-Genital Disorders

Gynecological and Obstetric

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Psychological Conditions

Childrens Conditions

Other Conditions

If you’re having trouble with any of these conditions, contact me - I can help

